Journal rankings
Especially for junior researchers, it can be difficult to keep track of all the journals in one's discipline. Bibliometric measures are helpful, taken with a grain of salt, but the large number of metrics reported for each journal can be confusing. While the impact factor is the most commonly used metric for evaluating the quality and importance of an academic outlet, it is also overly sensitive to individual well-cited articles. That is why I compiled this list.
The impact factor tells us how frequently journals were cited in the past, but as researchers we want to publish in journals with many future citations. Ideally, we would like to adjust the current impact factors for temporary effects and extrapolate trends that are likely to continue. The list is therefore sorted on a (very simple) forecast of future impact factors, intended to serve as the only bibliometric measure you need. The table also includes current impact factors (2015) as well as ratings from the Norwegian system (NSD).